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  • Communications and the Wg6.3 海外直订Data Proceedings Their Sixth Ifip Performance 数据通信及其性能:第六届Ifi

    Communications and the Wg6.3 海外直订Data Proceedings Their Sixth Ifip Performance 数据通信及其性能:第六届Ifi


  • Second Biologically 4周达 Computing 20th World IFI... IFIP Inspired Computer Congress Collaborative 9781441935021

    Second Biologically 4周达 Computing 20th World IFI... IFIP Inspired Computer Congress Collaborative 9781441935021


  • Ifi... 4周达 and 8th Mobile Ifip Computer World Networks 19th Wireless Congress Communication 9781441941855

    Ifi... 4周达 and 8th Mobile Ifip Computer World Networks 19th Wireless Congress Communication 9781441941855


  • Information Computer World Ifip 海外直订Intelligent 智能信息处理 Processing Congress Tc12 17th Ifi

    Information Computer World Ifip 海外直订Intelligent 智能信息处理 Processing Congress Tc12 17th Ifi


  • and Proceedings Systems Ifi 海外直订Reliability 结构系统 Optimization the First Structural 可靠性和优化:19

    and Proceedings Systems Ifi 海外直订Reliability 结构系统 Optimization the First Structural 可靠性和优化:19


  • and Proceedings Systems Ifi 海外直订Reliability 结构系统 Optimization the Sixth Structural 可靠性和优化:第

    and Proceedings Systems Ifi 海外直订Reliability 结构系统 Optimization the Sixth Structural 可靠性和优化:第


  • and Proceedings Systems Ifi 海外直订Reliability 结构系统 Optimization the Sixth Structural 可靠性和优化:第

    and Proceedings Systems Ifi 海外直订Reliability 结构系统 Optimization the Sixth Structural 可靠性和优化:第


  • Ifi and Mining Searching Semantics. Ifip 数据挖掘与逆向工程 海外直订Data for Reverse Tc2 Wg2.6 Engineering 语义搜

    Ifi and Mining Searching Semantics. Ifip 数据挖掘与逆向工程 海外直订Data for Reverse Tc2 Wg2.6 Engineering 语义搜


  • Jul and Modeling IFIP Conference 系统建模与优化 海外直订System Optimization Cracow Poland 23rd 第23届IFI

    Jul and Modeling IFIP Conference 系统建模与优化 海外直订System Optimization Cracow Poland 23rd 第23届IFI


  • Manufacturing 5.5 for Technology 平衡制造系统 信息技术 海外直订Information Ifip Balanced Sev Systems Ifi

    Manufacturing 5.5 for Technology 平衡制造系统 信息技术 海外直订Information Ifip Balanced Sev Systems Ifi


  • Communicating International 10th Testin 通信系统测试 海外直订Testing Tc6 Systems Workshop Ifip Ifi

    Communicating International 10th Testin 通信系统测试 海外直订Testing Tc6 Systems Workshop Ifip Ifi


  • Network Wg6.7 电信智能 Confe 海外直订Telecommunication Tc6 Intelligence Sixth International Ifip Ifi

    Network Wg6.7 电信智能 Confe 海外直订Telecommunication Tc6 Intelligence Sixth International Ifip Ifi


  • the Information Computer World Sess 建立信息社会 海外直订Building 18th Society Congress Topical Ifip Ifi

    the Information Computer World Sess 建立信息社会 海外直订Building 18th Society Congress Topical Ifip Ifi


  • Intelligence 人工智能应用与创新II Wg12.5 海外直订Artificial Innovations Applications Ifip Tc12 and Ifi

    Intelligence 人工智能应用与创新II Wg12.5 海外直订Artificial Innovations Applications Ifip Tc12 and Ifi


  • 探索理论信息学 Frontiers New Informatics 18th World 新前沿 海外直订Exploring Ifip Computer Con Theoretical Ifi

    探索理论信息学 Frontiers New Informatics 18th World 新前沿 海外直订Exploring Ifip Computer Con Theoretical Ifi


  • Wireless Working Wg6.8 Personal Ifip 海外直订Personal 个人无线通信 Communications Conference Tc6 Ifi

    Wireless Working Wg6.8 Personal Ifip 海外直订Personal 个人无线通信 Communications Conference Tc6 Ifi


  • 动态环境中 Privacy and the Ifip 安全与隐私 Proceedings 海外直订Security Dynamic 21st Environments Ifi

    动态环境中 Privacy and the Ifip 安全与隐私 Proceedings 海外直订Security Dynamic 21st Environments Ifi


  • Modelling the Conference Optimization 海外直订System Zuri and 15th Ifip Proceedings 系统建模与优化:第15届Ifi

    Modelling the Conference Optimization 海外直订System Zuri and 15th Ifip Proceedings 系统建模与优化:第15届Ifi


  • Information Computer World Ifip 海外直订Intelligent 智能信息处理 Processing Congress Tc12 17th Ifi

    Information Computer World Ifip 海外直订Intelligent 智能信息处理 Processing Congress Tc12 17th Ifi


  • Communicating International 10th Testin 通信系统测试 海外直订Testing Tc6 Systems Workshop Ifip Ifi

    Communicating International 10th Testin 通信系统测试 海外直订Testing Tc6 Systems Workshop Ifip Ifi


  • Conference Networks Collaborative Ninth 5.5 普惠协作 海外直订Pervasive Ifip Working Ifi

    Conference Networks Collaborative Ninth 5.5 普惠协作 海外直订Pervasive Ifip Working Ifi


  • and Sensor Ifip 6.8 First 无线传感器和参与者 海外直订Wireless Actor International Conference Networks Ifi

    and Sensor Ifip 6.8 First 无线传感器和参与者 海外直订Wireless Actor International Conference Networks Ifi


  • Information Systems Conference Working 移动信息系统 海外直订Mobile Ifip Mobile Ifi

    Information Systems Conference Working 移动信息系统 海外直订Mobile Ifip Mobile Ifi


  • and Tc11 Security 研究和商业中 the 信息安全 海外直订Information Proceedings Research Ifip 13th Business Ifi

    and Tc11 Security 研究和商业中 the 信息安全 海外直订Information Proceedings Research Ifip 13th Business Ifi


  • and Multimedia Wg2.6 Tc2 Confe 可视化和多媒体信息管理 海外直订Visual Ifip Information Sixth Working Management Ifi

    and Multimedia Wg2.6 Tc2 Confe 可视化和多媒体信息管理 海外直订Visual Ifip Information Sixth Working Management Ifi


  • Description Descripti Architecture 海外直订Architecture Languages Workshop Ifip 架构描述语言:Ifi

    Description Descripti Architecture 海外直订Architecture Languages Workshop Ifip 架构描述语言:Ifi


  • Networks Tc6 Ifip 智能与中 Intelligence 海外直订Intelligent 智能 and Wg6.7 International Ifi

    Networks Tc6 Ifip 智能与中 Intelligence 海外直订Intelligent 智能 and Wg6.7 International Ifi


  • Networks Tc6 Ifip 智能与中 Intelligence 海外直订Intelligent 智能 and Wg6.7 International Ifi

    Networks Tc6 Ifip 智能与中 Intelligence 海外直订Intelligent 智能 and Wg6.7 International Ifi


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